Thursday, May 29, 2008

Daily routine

It's hard to admit, but I had a goal of writing on my blog daily. I'm almost embarrassed seeing my blog with only one entry this week.

This is one thing that I have to always watch about myself. That attitude of..."I will do it in the morning" or "I will do it tomorrow". It's almost comical because I actually remember when this all started. I was in my early teens, and this attitude has been something I have been trying to defeat since I realized how much of a handicap it was.

My friends say its the latino in me. I just think its the huevona in me.

So now with one of my flaws duly noted for all of you to read about, working from home this week was a bit of a challenge. Even with the long weekend in the US this Monday, it was quite a busy day. I had about 200 emails to answer billing to do, checking all campaigns are running smoothly following up with IT, ensuring all projects are being handled in a timely manner, following up with clients and looking for new publishers. All these tasks actually don't take too long to complete. I would say roughly 5 to 6 hours would make it a full time day. But when you work from home there are many distractions and that is one of the basic things that I had to to successfully conquer very early on when I started eight years ago.

You must be thinking...working only 5 to 6 hours a day, you must be able to do everything you want. That may be true for someone that works from home but not for a mother that works from home. I thought I was in the clear, but now that my daughter has started to speak I have found a need for a new routine to be put into place. So this has been my struggle this week: creating an atmosphere that will allow me to be the mom I want to be and get my work done in the most productive manner possible.

So here are a few of the things I must work on this week.

* Wake up an extra hour early so I can work 2-2.5 hrs straight before she wakes.

* Napping time needs to happen at the same time each day.

* Get help for 2-3 hrs so I can finish my work

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